Discovering God

I had another opportunity to write for Freed to Flourish in November. Here was my post : Nov 5  Written By Guest Writer “But to all who did receive him, who believed in His name, he gave the right to become  children of God” John 1:12 ESV As a mom, I am quickly approaching the empty …

Guest blog post

Earlier this year, I was asked to be a guest writer on a friend’s blog. Here is the link to that post: In Luke 8:40-56, there is a story written about a young girl who was dying. Her father went seeking Jesus, pleading with Jesus to come to his house and heal his daughter. …

God Draws Near

This has been a week that has weighed so heavy on my heart. I have been trying to process a lot of things: sorrow, loss, pain, confusion. I have wrestled with questions, leaned into God, prayed, and at times still felt incredibly overwhelmed. This weekend, I was supposed to be out of town. In fact, …


Sometimes in life, we lose our footing and we tumble. There are times, during these tumbles, that we hurt ourselves. We may even take the people around us down with us. These tumbles can often bring pain caused by cuts, bruises or broken bones. Many times we are left with scars to remind us of …

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